Any registered angler who is a current CCA member in good standing at the time of entering the competition is eligible to participate in the Trash Division. To be eligible registered STAR anglers must submit a minimum five-gallon bucket full of garbage. This garbage must have been gathered from a coastal shoreline or while fishing on the water. The photo submission must include the 2024 STAR Official Measuring Device and anglers may gather more than one bucket per day. Please note that for large debris participants should place the 2024 Official Measuring Device on or near the debris and submit with the latitude and longitude. CCA will provide this data and have the items removed. Youth participants will receive 30 minutes of community service hours for each five-gallon bucket of garbage they collect. At the end of the competition, the youth participant will email their community service log to the STAR Director and STAR will calculate the number of hours based on the number of buckets submitted and sign off on the log and return via email to the youth participant.

1st place
Papa's Pilar Distillery Tour for 3, 3 day two nights in Key West Rum samples, tour & accommodations. Two (2) $250 Costa gift cards

2nd place
$500 West Marine gift card & $250 Costa gift card

3rd place
$250 Costa gift card & $125 West Marine gift card

Most Buckets Gathered
$250 Costa Sunglasses gift card & $250 West Marine gift card