Star Prizes

Tournament participants may win only one prize in addition to winning in the Trash Division.
Time and date of catch will determine the prize winners in the Tagged Redfish and Tagged Dolphin Division.

Tagged Redfish Division presented by T H Marine

STAR’s signature division is the Tagged Redfish Division.

The first 5 2024 confirmed tagged redfish winners will have their choice of several boat packages with Yamaha motor and trailer valued at more than $40,000, including:

  • Contender 22 Sport with Yamaha with Trailer
  • Dek Kat Flatz Kat with Yamaha 250 and Infinity Trailer
  • Micro Draft Skiff 22 Extreme with Yamaha 115 and Infinity Trailer
  • Spyder Boats FX19 Vapor with Yamaha 115 and trailer
  • Sea-Doo FISHPRO TROPHY and Can-am Defender

Catch the SUPER STAR Tagged Redfish and Win $50,000 in Cash from the Alta Equipment Company.

The first two Youth angler winners will be awarded a tiller skiff, motor & trailer with Minn Kota trolling motor & Humminbird electronics.

Tigress Outriggers & Gear Tagged Dolphin Division

STAR’s signature offshore division is the Tigress Outrigger & Gear Tagged Dolphin Division.

The first 2024 confirmed tagged dolphin winner will be awarded $10,000 cash or scholarship.

CCA membership AND registration in STAR prior to hooking and landing a tagged dolphin, report time, time and date of catch, submitted, photo of tagged fish on official measuring device, verification of tagged dolphin and results of a polygraph will determine the prize winners in the Tigress Tagged Dolphin Division. Only the first STAR Tagged dolphin recaptured by a registered STAR angler who is a CCA member during 2024 competition dates and certified by the STAR Committee will be eligible for prizes.

  • 1st STAR registered angler catches a tagged dolphin wins $10,000 cash or scholarship from Tigress Outriggers & Gear.

Drum Spots “Lots-A-Spots” Division presented by Gulf States Automation

This division allows any angler who is a current CCA member and registered in the competition before the hook and land their catch to enter a qualifying redfish.  All fish must be entered via the STAR Tournament app or the STAR website and must include a photo of each side of the fish on a measuring board with STAR identifier in the photo.  This is a CPR (catch, picture, release) redfish spot division.  All entries of redfish in this division MUST be released. A recaptured redfish is not eligible in the Lots-A-Spots Division if it has already been caught and submitted by a previous angler.  Redfish must be captured during competition dates.

Stocked Redfish caught in landlocked bodies of water, i.e., reservoirs, lakes, & ponds are not eligible for this division. Anglers must use hook and line. Artificial, live, or dead bait is allowed. You must submit a photo of the left and right side of the fish on a measuring board with the STAR Identifier in the photo and may submit as many fish as you like but participant can only win once. 

The winning fish will be the Redfish with the most spots counted on both sides of the fish’s body. Spots must be separated to count. Spots that are not separated, irregular or misshaped will count as one spot. Spots must be distinct and black. Faintly colored specs will not count as a spot. Fish over 27" in length are not eligible. There is no minimum length requirement. Measure with the nose of the fish on the zero line  and a non-pinched tail with the 2025 Official STAR Identifier in each photo. Photos and total number of spots must be entered via the STAR app or STAR website.  In case of a tie, the earliest submitted fish will win. In case of disqualification, the next person with the most spots will win. First place winner will be required to take and successfully pass a polygraph examination in order to claim their prize.

Lots-A-Spots Division Prizes: Over $20,000 in Prizes

  • 1st Place:  SUP Custom L4 Shallow Skiff with trolling motor bow mount, Minn Kota Riptide Power Drive 12V Trolling Motor & transom bracket with 6HP Yamaha, Power Pole Micro, Dakota Lithium Battery Waterproof pack with 12V Lithium Battery, Yak Gear accessories package and Ross Currington Art  replica of winning redfish 
  • 2nd Place: Abyss Battery 36 Battery with charger, Ross Currington Art replica of winning fish, Bull Bay Rod/ Florida Fishing Products Reel, Bahio Sunglasses
  • 3rd Place: Power Pole 8ft Sportsman, King Sailfish Mount replica of winning fish, Bahio Sunglasses, Relentless Knife 
  • 4th Place: original art piece by Ashton Howard, RCI optics, NLBN Package = $2,950
  • 5th Place: Bay Flats Lodge fishing trip for 2 plus food and lodging for 2 nights, RCI Sunglasses, Toadfish Package 
  • 6th Place: Humminbird Helix 7, RCI Sunglasses, Zman Baits, Toadfish Package, NLBN Package 
  • SUP Custom L4 Shallow Skiff with trolling motor bow mount, Minn Kota Riptide Power Drive 12V Trolling Motor & transom bracket with 6HP Yamaha, Power Pole Micro, Dakota Lithium Battery Waterproof pack with 12V Lithium Battery, Yak Gear accessories package and Ross Currington Art  replica of winning redfish

  • Abyss Battery 36 Battery with charger, Ross Currington Art replica of winning fish, Bull Bay Rod/ Florida Fishing Products Reel, Bahio Sunglasses

  • Power Pole 8ft Sportsman, King Sailfish Mount replica of winning fish, Bahio Sunglasses, Relentless Knife

  • Original art piece by Ashton Howard, RCI optics, NLBN Package = $2,950

  • Bay Flats Lodge fishing trip for 2 plus food and lodging for 2 nights, RCI Sunglasses, Toadfish Package

  • Humminbird Helix 7, RCI Sunglasses, Zman Baits, Toadfish Package, NLBN Package

Carolina Skiff Inshore Division presented by Minn Kota

Any registered angler 18 years old and older (as of May 25, 2024), who is a current CCA member in good standing and registered for the STAR competition at the time of landing their catch and uses rod, reel, hook, and line to catch their entry of non-tagged inshore species is eligible to participate.

Division will provide for 3 inshore species entered daily from the inshore species list of

  • Non- tagged redfish
  • Snook
  • Trout
  • Bonefish  (no harvest)
  • Flounder
  • Sheepshead
  • Pompano
  • Black Drum
  • Tarpon (no harvest)
  • Jack Crevalle
  • Croaker
  • Whiting

Engel Cooler Offshore Division presented by AFTCO

Any registered angler 18 years old and older (as of May 25, 2024), who is a current CCA member in good standing and registered for the STAR competition at the time of landing their catch and uses rod, reel, hook, and line to catch their entry of non-tagged offshore species is eligible to participate.

  • Non-tagged Dolphin
  • Wahoo
  • Grouper (red, gag, Black Scamp)
  • African Pompano
  • Tilefish (all)
  • Amberjack (All exception of Crevalle)
  • Billfish (all) Sailfish, Marlin, Swordfish
  • Tuna (all) no minimum
  • Mackerel  (all, Spanish, King, Cero))
  • Cobia  36” to fork min
  • Snapper Snapper (all: Red, Vermillion, Schoolmaster, Gray(mangrove), Mutton, Cubera, Lane, Yellowtail, Dog, Mahogany)
  • Permit
  • Tripletail
  • Sharks (all) no size
  • Sea Bass (all)
  • Porgy
  • Trigerfish

Youth Scholarship Division presented by Realtree Fishing

The Youth Scholarship Division presented by Realtree Fishing pertains to any registered angler 6 through 17 years of age (as of May 25, 2024) who is a current CCA New Tide member in good standing at the time of entering the competition, and uses rod, reel, hook, and line to catch their competition entry. If a New Tide member turns 18 years of age during official competition dates, they are still only eligible for the Youth Scholarship Division, and as a youth angler plus the Trash Division.

STAR participants, ages 6 thru 17, who enter  one catch entry per day of an eligible species, in the Youth Scholarship Division will be eligible for the drawing of the different scholarships in the division*

Youth may only win in one division (youth) in addition to the Trash Division.

Youth may only win a total of $25,000 in scholarships in the STAR competition.

Native Watercraft Kayak Division presented by Humminbird

Any registered angler 18 years old and older (as of May 25, 2024) who is a current CCA member in good standing at the time of entering the competition and who fishes from a non-motorized Kayak, canoe, or any other qualifying self-propelled vessel, and uses rod, reel, hook and line to catch their competition entry that meets FWC minimum size requirement.


  • Slayer Max 12.5 
  • Native Watercraft Slayer Propel 10 kayak & Engel 19 qt drybox/cooler with rod holders & Bull Bay Rod
  • Humminbird Helix 7 Electronics
  • Power Pole Micro with Spike & battery pack & Thule Hull-a-port aero Kayak carrier $1,500 
  • 500 West Marine Gift Card
  • Engel 30qrt Live bait Pro Cooler AP4 XL Rechargeable Aerator, Rod Holders & Stainless Hardware & $125 West Marine gift card & Rod Runner

Power Pole Conservation Division presented by Bull Bay Rods

Power Pole Conservation Division presented by Bull Bay Rods is an important aspect of STAR. This Division plays a vital role in helping FWC and other fisheries management groups gather recreational catch data.

All species of fish caught by STAR entrants are eligible for entry in the Conservation Division.

All entries must be submitted either on or with the official STAR measuring device. We ask that you use special consideration with juvenile trout, snook, redfish, Tany Tarpon or Bonefish and try not to handle if possible, Please try to keep fish in the water and take picture with measuring device in the water with the fish.

All fish entries in the Conservation Division are required to be photographed on or with the 2024 Official Measuring Device.

The winners of the Conservation Division will be determined by a random drawing of all entries in the division.

The STAR Committee emphasizes the importance of following all FWC regulations regarding the handling of all species.

The Conservation and Trash are the only STAR Divisions in which a registered competition angler may submit more than three entries per competition day.


  • Power Pole 8ft Pro Series, Power Pole Charge & Bull Bay Rod ($3,000)
  • Power Pole Micro, Engel Cooler 35qrt Hard Cooler & Bull Bay Rod ($1,000)
  • Kahuna Wagon ($750)

Costa Kick Plastic Trash Division presented by Papa’s Pilar

Any registered angler who is a current CCA member in good standing at the time of entering the competition is eligible to participate in the Trash Division. To be eligible registered STAR anglers must submit a minimum five-gallon bucket full of garbage. This garbage must have been gathered from a coastal shoreline or while fishing on the water. The photo submission must include the 2024 STAR Official Measuring Device and anglers may gather more than one bucket per day. Please note that for large debris participants should place the 2024 Official Measuring Device on or near the debris and submit with the latitude and longitude. CCA will provide this data and have the items removed. Youth participants will receive 30 minutes of community service hours for each five-gallon bucket of garbage they collect. At the end of the competition, the youth participant will email their community service log to the STAR Director and  STAR will calculate the number of hours based on the number of buckets submitted and sign off on the log and return via email to the youth participant.

  • 1st place

    Papa's Pilar Distillery Tour for 3, 3 day two nights in Key West Rum samples, tour & accommodations. Two (2) $250 Costa gift cards

  • 2nd place

    $500 West Marine gift card & $250 Costa gift card

  • 3rd place

    $250 Costa gift card & $125 West Marine gift card

  • Most Buckets Gathered

    $250 Costa Sunglasses gift card & $250 West Marine gift card

Barnes & Thornburg LLP Youth Honorable mention

Florida's largest family-friendly fishing competition
May 24 to September 1, 2025

Fish one day, some days or every day - win awesome prizes with a single catch!



including tagged redfish & dolphin, non-tagged inshore and offshore, Kayak, Youth and Conservation with species like - Redfish, Trout, Snook, Flounder, Tarpon, Grouper, Mackerel, Sailfish and Mahi-Mahi.


in Prizes

Boats, motor and trailers packages, cash, personal water crafts, all-terrain vehicles, , marine electronics, Yamaha motors, tackle, scholarships, Gift certificates and much more


Days of Fishing

family friendly angling competition - for anglers of all ages and experience levels - most winning places and are determined by a random drawing.


Register Now for STAR 2025
$40 for current CCA Florida Members | $80 for 18+
(includes one-year CCA Florida membership)


FREE for current, youth CCA Florida Members | $10 for youth, ages 6 to 17
(includes New Tide Membership)


[Registration process involves creation of a profile at CCA National and registering for STAR]