Register for Your Shot at Winning. Catch a STAR tagged dolphin and you could win $10,000 cash
In 2020, CCA Florida STAR is collaborating with the Dolphinfish Research Program (DRP), the world’s largest international dolphin capture-mark-recapture program, managed by the Beyond Our Shores Foundation, to have DRP participants tag dolphin and then anglers will be rewarded for returning the tag information.
The STAR Tagged Dolphin Division (Mahi Mahi) – offers any angler who catches a STAR tagged dolphin and submits their catch information a STAR long sleeve performance shirt.
$10,000 cash will be awarded to the first STAR registered CCA member who catches one of the eligible 20 tagged dolphin released in the coastal waters of Florida by the DRP.
STAR is a great way to make your fishing more rewarding while supporting the conservation of our fisheries. In addition, STAR encourages anglers to sign up for free dolphinfish tagging kits provided by the Dolphinfish Research Program to participate in the tag and release of small dolphin at any time during the year to help conserve one of Florida’s most important offshore fish species. Request a free tagging kit at dolphintagging.com/tags.
For more information on STAR, or to register, visit ccaflstar.com. For more information on the Dolphinfish Research Program follow them on Instagram @tagdolphinfish.